Friday, February 22

#199 - lounge room gigs

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Last night I went to one! R invited me along, shan't tell you the name of this organisation - the joy is in finding one yourself, or being told about it by friends :)
But it was held in a local design initiative's studio, and 4 lovely bands lined the night, who we only knew were playing upon arrival. We were told the idea was to introduce a new way of listening to music, and to support 'emerging artists'.

Started with a dude that seemed a bit sad and arrogant, but he made the audience laugh, which was good: "So....I've been an emerging artist for the past 8 years..."
The next guys were happy on life - completely comfortable with how bad their dance moves were. I had no idea what genre to fit them into (I'm usually rather bad at this game) - almost like pop rap without the rapping, all the repeated soul-like melodies in between the verses....yes one of them was a DJ, all the vinyl scratching too. (someone tell me what this is!! ignoramus me).
Another set took time during one of the songs to spread themselves out and play seated amongst the audience...
The last dudes were just cool. They had a girl drummer, like in Scott Pilgrim. :)

And they're looking for people to host gigs! Garrggghh if your house is the coolies on the cake and would well suit for a smallish gathering of spunky kids listening to unplugged sounds, you should be wanting this!!

SEEK THIS OUT. That's all from me.

these are photos from the gig in Surry Hills we went to!!

x. toots.

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