Thursday, March 21

#202 - candle night

Saw this incredibly cute Japanese version of earth hour, and am now very tempted to farewell summer this way. Their website is full of gorgeous little examples of what you can do by candle light in earth hour, like "read your children a book by candlelight" or "write a letter by candlelight". But they are cool enough to suggest and show how to do a long exposure shot on their website. Maybe an earth hour party would be super, with tea lights in jars strung along some twine instead of fairylights, so its legit :)

Anyway, I want to have a candle light picnic on the beach and make these floating lantern thingys. 
I'm not even sure if this is physically possible or its just the stuff of movies, buutt experiments are lovely things. Failed ones too.

images via:  1. 2. 3 - unknown. 4.

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