Sunday, July 11

#67 - load up the jewelry

Hm! Lots of pretty images of lovely vintage and handmade jewelry, and the trend seen a lot lately is having quite a load of it upon your wrists and fingers, as to make anyone lining up behind you at an airport security screening feel rather annoyed.

Etsy is quite a haven for it, if you don't want to spend the time slaving through second hand shops. You can find there gorgeous necklaces like Schmook's, a pendant encasing a gorgeous illustration, with lovely bells and delicate bows attached, and usually an envelope or such which you can slip in notes or photos.
You'll also see fashion bloggers; Rumi Neely of Fashion Toast and Nicole Warne of Gary Pepper Vintage never in short of their share.
images: click on images to take you to the source where I received them, if links are faulty, please contact me and I will fix it as soon as possible.

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