Thursday, June 6

#211 - a thousand and one things to do with your hair that I never will

Someone made a comment about Pinterest - that the act of "pinning"
was more often a way to pass time, rather than a useful collection tool. 

Looking through my boards I was happy to conclude that
I actually did re-look at my pins for inspiration.... all but one board: Hair.

I do not possess a talent to mimic a style in a magazine. 
Or even a vague image in my mind finds no resemblance to what my hands manage to do. I have no skills in blow-drying, cannot tease or smooth. Hot-iron curls fall limp within minutes.  Brush my hair and it goes to frizz and fluff. Freshly washed hair is slippery and volume-less. 
Dirty hair has great shape, but frankly, looks gross.

I have some notion in my head I cannot get rid of: 
that the great-hair girls mange to accomplish their 'do in 15 minutes, 
for any longer than that and I give up.

Noting this, there is one thing I am good at: 
If I may say, I am brilliant at collecting images of hair.

Here are the more revered:

that length! neat buns. braided crowns. small flower trails. fringes and waves. BIG flowers :)

images sources:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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