Wednesday, June 12

#212 - bling bling

(image by toots @ athousandandone, photo via flickr.brandonwitzel)

I'm not generally a jewellery or accessory person. 
...but its all ssssso pretty. 

We have here:
this unknown rabbit ring. tracing it on the Internet is damn hard. so much scamming sites attached to it! 
embroidered necklaces from Lana Pelana on Etsy. I'd make these, actually. 
Should I?  She's cleverer though...
Actually. I like beanies. I just don't have enough to go with anything :) 
These are knitted to order! Woah! Made by the delightful Annie Larson.

I only admire these kind of specs from afar. As art, rather. 
They have this brilliantly clever tendency to make my face look wider than it already is. 
skinny faced girls; I introduce to you - Acne Sigmund.

Shiny shoes. cause they count. 
buy me these and I might even wear them :) 

and looking back on all of these, my version of bling is really not that blingy. 

1 comment:

pigeon said...

they are too beautiful! <3

[my weirdoland -]