Tuesday, January 3

#148 - paint yourself

images via charlotte_always weheartit
I remember being intrigued by the idea of henna tattoos after a trip to a family friends' property out in the bush. After swimming in the creek, we collected the ochre rocks, wet and ground them, and using fine twigs trawled intricate patterns all over our arms. The owners of this property happened to have a tepee :) That was a marvellous sight.

All these past few days I've come across all these pretty photos, and also saw this wonderful Marique shoot in RUSSH - and its just made me want to go buy some henna ink or white face paint.
And I'm no longer going to wait for a hot day by the creek, a theme-dress party or a trip to India for an excuse to paint myself.
I think just another ordinary day would be a mighty lovely way to sport it. :)

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(p.s - I am getting together some mighty lovely bloggers for you to meet, so look forward to their interviews next post!)


Francesca said...

I adore you. Henna is so beautiful, I've had it done a few times.

CloudyKim said...

Great post! I love the pictures. I remember getting my face painted as a kid - there is something relaxing about it :)

Sarah said...

I've always loved and enjoyed having henna tattoos! :) Such a lovely post. x

Anonymous said...

wow i love that third picture, makes me wanna try it!